Every spring, lawyers, nonprofit professionals, and other sector experts come to Washington, DC for the Georgetown Law Continuing Legal Education (CLE) “Representing and Managing Tax-Exempt Organizations” conference. Hundreds of nonprofit professionals convene for three days to earn continuing education credits, build their nonprofit expertise, learn practical strategies, and network with federal and state regulars.
We invite you to join this group of experts on April 22-24 to hear about trends that are happening at the state level, where most federal issues begin. You’ll have the opportunity to hear arguments from both sides, helping you better understand these issues that may start trending in your field/region soon.
The first day of the event, co-sponsored by Council on Foundations and Independent Sector, will explore the ins and outs board governance. Nonprofit Board Governance: Identifying Issues, Assessing Effectiveness, Managing for Organizational Success will provide your organization and board members with the necessary tools and knowledge to set your mission up for success. Hear from experts on legal responsibilities of boards, identifying and remedying deficiencies, the role of management in facilitating board governance changes, developing a constructive Board/CEO partnership, and so much more!
Springtime in DC is beautiful (hello, cherry blossoms). Join us to learn all you need to know to forge a productive relationship with your board volunteers.