Greater Nonprofit Relief Is Needed so Everyone Can Thrive
(WASHINGTON, December 22, 2020) – Daniel J. Cardinali, President and CEO of Independent Sector, issues the following statement:
“The latest COVID-19 relief bill includes important relief as the nonprofit sector and our communities work to stabilize and rebuild our nation in the face of COVID-19. We’re pleased Congress heard the voices of our advocates, but we need greater relief to these vital organizations and our communities in 2021 so everyone in the country thrives.
We welcome the bill’s inclusion of additional Paycheck Protection Program support, increased charitable giving incentives, and grants for nonprofits serving low-income communities. Billions of dollars in federal money for child care, greater broadband Internet access, and stabilization of the U.S. Postal Service also are positive steps.
These measures will help protect jobs and communities which have been especially hard-hit due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic crisis, but additional federal relief is needed, such as greater charitable giving incentives and civic infrastructure investments in parks, playgrounds, schools, housing, and community programs for the arts and humanities.
We look forward to working with the new Administration and the 117th Congress to ensure much-needed relief and infrastructure investments are made to strength our communities, civil society, and the nation.”
Independent Sector is the only national membership organization that brings together a diverse community of changemakers at nonprofits, foundations, and corporate giving programs working to ensure all people in the United States thrive. Learn more at
Media Contact:
Bradley Wong