Each month Independent Sector brings you research relevant to the nonprofit sector. May’s research covers childhood health equity and COVID-19 vaccination access.
Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies – Rate of Nonprofit Job Recovery Slows Significantly in April
In the Center for Civil Society Studies’ effort to track the ongoing impact of the coronavirus pandemic on nonprofit employment, this report documents estimates of COVID-induced nonprofit job losses through April 2021, as reflected in the April BLS Employment Situation Report.
- More on the study: Rate of Nonprofit Job Recovery Slows Significantly in April
Child Trend – Early Childhood Health Equity Landscape Project
The Early Childhood Health Equity Landscape Project sought to document national efforts that support and connect early childhood initiatives and to elevate local community experiences that are often undervalued in creating systemic change.
- More on the study: Early Childhood Health Equity Landscape Project
PPRI – Religious Identities and the Race Against the Virus: Engaging Faith Communities on COVID-19 Vaccination
As the U.S. navigates evolving dynamics related to COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and access, there has been a dearth of hard data to understand the cultural dynamics of this problem, and even less rigorous data available to understand how faith-based interventions might mitigate vaccine hesitancy and resistance. The PRRI–IFYC Religion and the Vaccine Survey, the largest study conducted to date in this area, reveals that faith-based approaches supporting vaccine uptake can influence members of key hesitant groups to get vaccinated and thus can be a vital tool for the public health community as we work toward herd immunity.
- More on the study: Religious Identities and the Race Against the Virus: Engaging Faith Communities on COVID-19 Vaccination
Cancer Action Network – Cancer Research and Disparities: Understanding and Addressing the Issues
The COVID-19 pandemic has made clear the significant disparities that exist in our health care system and the need to address their root causes, including in cancer care. Ensuring all individuals – regardless of age, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, education, sexual orientation, insurance status, or zip code – have the same opportunities to prevent, detect, and treat cancer requires understanding what role research plays in potentially causing disparities as well as how research can help identify and address the causes of disparities.
- More on the study: Cancer Research and Disparities: Understanding and Addressing the Issues
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The research summaries above are by no means an exhaustive list of the newest information out there to help us better understand the nonprofit landscape. Did we miss a report you think we should know about and share? Let us know by leaving a comment!