We are entering a very critical week in the tax reform debate, and the future of charitable giving in the United States, as well as that of our organizations to continue to support and lift up our communities is in peril.
The Senate Finance Committee is beginning consideration of its tax reform legislation today, while the House is on track to pass its version of comprehensive tax reform later this week. Both have proposals with serious implications for our sector, and your voice is needed to ensure that any final tax reform legislation preserves and strengthens the ability of the charitable sector to meet critical needs in your backyard and around the country.
We know there is so much going on, and that you’re being asked to fight on a number of fronts, but here are two quick things we urge you to do today to help this effort.
- Contact Senate Finance Committee members today and urge them to support an amendment offered by Sens. Wyden (D-OR) and Stabenow (D-MI) that would create a universal charitable deduction so that all Americans are encouraged to give more in support of their communities.
- Contact your Representative and urge him or her to vote NO on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (H.R. 1). Independent Sector strongly opposes this legislation because it would undercut charities and their ability to respond to the needs of our communities and widen the gap between the truly privileged and the rest of nation.
The tax reform process in both chambers is moving rapidly, and our window to influence the final product gets narrower by the day. Please take a moment to make your voice heard. The very foundation of the charitable community depends upon it.