Risk Help for Affiliate Members
By Dylan Fitzgerald onNonprofit Risk Management provides free technical assistance for nonprofits.
Standards for Excellence Implementation in the Diocese of Gary
By Dylan Fitzgerald onThe report presents a case study of the effects of implementing ethical standards within a nonprofit.
By Dylan Fitzgerald onThe webpage provides additional resources that can be used by nonprofits.
State Liability Laws for Charitable Organizations and Volunteers
By Dylan Fitzgerald onThe publication describes various state laws and their impact on nonprofit management.
Nonprofit Legal Toolkit
By Dylan Fitzgerald onThe toolkit is an extensive overview on the basic legal requirements for nonprofits in Texas.
American Society of Association Executives: Standards of Conduct
By Dylan Fitzgerald onThe web page shares the organization's Standard of Conduct.
BBB Standards for Trust
By Dylan Fitzgerald onThe web page shares key actions that help organizations build trust with their donors.
Standards for Excellence: An Ethics and Accountability Code for the Nonprofit Sector
By Dylan Fitzgerald onThe web page shares the a code of ethics, accountability, and excellence.
Standards for Excellence: An Ethics and Accountability Code for Catholic Nonprofits
By Dylan Fitzgerald onThe web page shares the organization's Code of Ethics.
AGB Board of Directors’ Statement on Conflict of Interest
By Dylan Fitzgerald onThe publication is an online copy of the organization's Conflict of Interest policy.
Managing Conflicts of Interest: The Board’s Guide to Unbiased Decision Making
By Dylan Fitzgerald onThe publication explores the importance of addressing conflicts of interest in an organization.
Form 990-Compliant-Conflict of Interest Policy
By Dylan Fitzgerald onThe resource is a template that can be used to generate a Conflict of Interest policy.
Montana Nonprofit Association (MNA): Conflict of Interest Policy and Annual Statement
By Dylan Fitzgerald onThe resource is an example of a Conflict of Interest policy.
Conflict of Interest
By Dylan Fitzgerald onThe resource is an example of a Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form.
Conflicts of Interest at Foundations: Avoiding the Bad and Managing the Good
By Dylan Fitzgerald onThe resource provides a good toolkit for organizations that are working on developing a conflict of interest policy.
Sample Whistleblower Protection Policy
By Dylan Fitzgerald onThe document is a sample Whistleblower Protection policy that enables individuals in an organization to come forward with information…
Model Whistleblower Policy for Nonprofits
By Dylan Fitzgerald onThe document is a sample Whistleblower Protection policy that enables individuals in an organization to come forward with information…
Office of Management & Budget: Records Management Policy
By Dylan Fitzgerald onThe web page addresses document retention and destruction and other office management policies.
Can I Disclose This Information? Complying with Confidentiality & Disclosure Requirements
By Dylan Fitzgerald onThe article discusses the importance of public disclosure.
Record Keeping Requirements for Community-Based Housing Development Organizations (CHDOs)
By Dylan Fitzgerald onThe resource presents an overview of why record keeping is important.