Independent Sector Travel Policy
By Dylan Fitzgerald onThe publication outlines Independent Sector's travel policy.
Developing a Grantmaker Travel Policy
By Dylan Fitzgerald onThe resource describes how to develop a travel policy.
Travel Expense of Board Members and their Spouses
By Dylan Fitzgerald onThe resource is an example outlining board member and spousal travel guidelines.
Travel, Entertainment, and Business Expense Policies and Procedures
By Dylan Fitzgerald onThe website outlines expense reimbursement policies and procedures. Frequently Asked Questions
By Dylan Fitzgerald onThe resource presents frequently asked questions (FAQs) about financial management for nonprofit organizations.
Financial Activity
By Dylan Fitzgerald onThe resource provides an example of financial activity for a nonprofit.
Financial Mangement Resources
By Dylan Fitzgerald onThe website provides several financial management resources for nonprofits.
Multi-State Filer
By Dylan Fitzgerald onRecent laws require nonprofits soliciting funds to register with state authorities, the Multi-State Filer Project seeks to compile the…
Nonprofit Fundraising Registration & Compliance
By Dylan Fitzgerald onThe web page describes legal requirements for solicitation materials.
Substantiating Charitable Contributions
By Dylan Fitzgerald onThe article describes the basic requirements that nonprofits need to meet in order to comply with IRS regulations.
By Dylan Fitzgerald onThe Peace Foundation provides an example of what a disclosure statement could look like.
Ethics in Fundraising
By Dylan Fitzgerald onThe web page provides a quick checklist on what good ethical practices should be in order to maintain a…
Donor’s Intent Policy
By Dylan Fitzgerald onThis document is a good example of what a statement of respecting a donor's intent could look like.
Donor Bill of Rights
By Dylan Fitzgerald onThe publication was created to ensure the respect and trust of the general public when donating to nonprofits.
Tax Deductions for Charitable Giving: The Nonprofit’s Responsibilities
By Dylan Fitzgerald onThe article discusses the basic principles of tax deductions and gift policies for nonprofits.
Sample Fundraising Disclosures and Individual Solicitation and Gift Receipt Checklist
By Dylan Fitzgerald onThe document contains sample statements on tax deductible status.
Charitable Contributions: Substantiation and Disclosure
By Dylan Fitzgerald onThe publication details current IRS rules and regulations on charitable contributions.
Information on Donated Property for Donors
By Dylan Fitzgerald onThe webpage provides further links to resources on gift acceptance policies and the value of charitable contributions.
The Gift Acceptance Policy: What Is It, and Why Does Your Organization Need It?
By Dylan Fitzgerald onThe article describes the importance of developing a gift acceptance policy.
FAQ: What is a gift acceptance policy? Where can I find examples?
By Dylan Fitzgerald onThe webpage list frequently asked questions and further resources on gift acceptance policies.