The LA convening was filled with calls for bold leadership. This tagline is drawn from a comment that Bob Ross, president and CEO of The California Endowment, made during his introduction that was echoed in comments throughout the day.
Read in-depth highlights from Threads Los Angeles
Eighty-seven diverse leaders from organizations of all sizes convened at The California Endowment for the LA Threads. Participants identified inequity as a critical societal issue worthy of the sector’s focus and attention. Regarding sector-specific issues, they surfaced several challenges related to talent and leadership, including the relatively low pay offered by many nonprofits, and the need to recruit diverse staff and leaders. Participants also discussed the need to build awareness of the role and value of the nonprofit community, while at the same time leveraging the spirit of entrepreneurship and partnerships with the corporate sector that can add value to our efforts. In addition, participants generated dozens of examples of successful programs. One leader identified the crosscutting themes embedded in the bright spots from his table discussion: embracing adaptive change, deep engagement within communities, and successful partnerships across sectors and disciplines.
If you weren’t able to follow the L.A. conversation on social media, be sure to check out our Storify to see what people were sharing online using #ThreadsLA.