Maggie Bush is the Programs and Outreach Director for the League of Women Voters of the US and has more than a decade of political advocacy and strategic communications experience. She currently manages the League’s nationwide voter registration programs, which have resulted in hundreds of thousands of voters registered in major election years. She has authored several publications and training manuals related to voting rights, voter registration and youth voter engagement. Maggie regularly provides voter engagement training to volunteer activists and allied partners nationwide.
With a longtime passion for nonprofit and cause-related work, Maggie previously served as a strategic communications and advocacy consultant, where she worked with national nonprofits, foundations and advocacy organizations to develop winning outreach strategies. Maggie holds a master’s degree in Political Management as well as a bachelor’s in Political Science and Anthropology from the George Washington University.
Maggie lives with her husband and daughter in Arlington, VA, where they love to explore the outdoors, spend time with friends and learn about local history.