Our democracy relies on ordinary people to ensure that elections are conducted efficiently and guarantee that every citizen’s vote is counted. As reliable sources of information, nonprofit organizations can address widespread election anxiety as we navigate through certification delays. Through coordination, nonprofits can help resolve questions and confusion by mobilizing online and sharing these resources:
Track Your Ballot
Due to limited in-person voting capacity and an unprecedented level of mail-in voting, nearly one-third of America’s citizens opted to vote early in 2020 by mail, absentee ballot, or in-person. To date, more than 101.3 million early voting ballots have been marked. Of those, more than 65.3 million represent mail-in votes with approximately 26.7 million mail-in ballots remaining. Election officials have a valuable intelligence tool that simplifies and expedites voting procedures while reducing operational costs. While tracking options may vary, voters can track their ballots in every state. Nonprofits can help ensure that every ballot is counted by encouraging U.S. citizens in communities, nationwide, to confirm their vote using BallotTrax and USPS.
Amplify Trusted Resources
Fear surrounding the pandemic has fostered an environment of disinformation. Words of reassurance can be welcome in an uncertain time. It’s incumbent upon nonprofits to share reliable and impartial information to combat misinformation and restore trust in the electoral process. Robust voter education campaigns will continue to be a lifeline for voters as election administrators amend policies and develop new procedures to ensure voting processes nationwide are conducted in compliance with the law:
Support Civic Advocacy
Democracy is most protected when ordinary people practice it by standing united in its defense. allots may take significantly longer to process as election officials nationwide anticipate wait times, litigation, and election-system challenges. Civic advocacy is the most effective method to ensure that voices are heard. Nonprofits can work alongside other nonpartisan organizations to ensure voting is fair and accessible to all:
Celebrate Voter Turnout
Election experts predict a record voter turnout this cycle. More than 158.8 million U.S. citizens have already voted – making this election the highest level of voter participation in U.S. history. Celebrate active citizenship by sharing the latest data surrounding national and state turnout rates.
Develop Your Post-Election Plan
Nonprofit advocacy doesn’t end with the election. If you’re planning only for the election, your nonprofit is missing out on opportunities to expand the sector’s impact as the policymakers we elect will determine future budgets at every level of government. This includes funding for nonprofits and services for the people we serve. With the election over, nonprofits can spring into action to develop nonpartisan advocacy strategies that advance missions and legislative agendas – and ultimately serve people.